… "Mood Indigo" and "Sentimental Journey"

Primary tabs

How to Achieve an Artistic Performance in this song?

  1. Your Role in performing this song is… The Actor - and in this case, you are "The Cool Jazz Cat"
Scenario: You are a member of the cool jazz band - makin' music late in the night.
It's a Night Club Scene - Late hours - It's where and how you live in the big city.
You've been doing this scene for quite some time, and you are "the man"!

Use the Director as the Focal Point…

You are in Actor Mode: Make the director the person to whom you are performing this jazz piece.

Musical Execution - the Key Element in this Song…

Express the music and mood, rather than the lyrics, in this piece.
In this song, your style of delivery of the lyrics is more important the literal meaning of the lyrics.

  1. Identify the emotions, visualizations, and physical movement that is being referenced in this song,
  2. Use your "expressers" to create the below referenced experiences and reactions in the audience.
Mood: Sultry, the late hours, in the shadows.
Delivery: Confident and Cool Jazz Cat
But do not be cool and detached - be cool and inviting.
Visual: Put yourself in the late night-club scene, and invite your audience to join you.
Get the audience to visualize the scene, the bandstand, the crowd…
Physical: Body is confident, a bit of swagger, while still remaining engaging.

Performance Eyes…

Directed to a Small Group - Eyes are Medium Focus, and Medium Breadth