The chorus held its annual board installation and awards dinner last Saturday evening. It was an evening full of reflection, celebration, and more than a few tears as we reviewed 2017 and all that the chorus has done. In this, the first of several posts on the event, we celebrate the contributions of some outstanding members who were recognized. The chorus presented the following awards:
Northwest Sound will be performing at the Bellevue Festival d'Lights, Sunday November 26th at 6:30pm. We'll be in the Gathering Place at the entrance/exit of the Bellevue Botanical Gardens and will be performing selections from our standard and holiday repertoires. Come by and enjoy the amazing lights display and then cap the evening with our musical offering!
Northwest Sound holiday shows are coming soon and you can play a part in making it happen! The full-color program you receive at our shows is filled with background stories about the performers, our music-team leaders, our sing Sing SING community-service program plus ads for businesses that sponsor the chorus. You can become part of all this simply by placing an ad! When you do you’ll be joining our list of our long-time sponsors like Alaska Airlines, the Lockspot Café and Turner Piano Service. Your ad will be seen by hundreds of music fans and it will mark you and your business as being a supporter of NWS and your local a Capella performers!
There are three ways that you can place an ad in the program:
Begun in 2010, sing! Sing! SING! (SSS) is Northwest Sound’s program of providing free a capella singing training for men of the community. Participants are given free group music lessons, sheet music and training media, participation in chorus rehearsals, and an opportunity to perform with the chorus in one of its annual holiday shows. In the program, participants learn a variety of singing techniques including basics of supportive breathing, word pronunciation, vocal production, ear training, voice-matching, and finding the message in a song, skills that are developed continually by all chorus members as they progress.
Music First! featured guests include the quartet “4.0”, 2015 BHS Evergreen district champion who will be competing in their fourth BHS International contest in July. They are four men with a passion for a cappella harmony who have joined together to form an exceptional quartet, “4.0” (Four-Point-Oh).
Music First! featured guests include the Wink quartet, 2016 Sweet Adelines Region 13 champion and International contestant. Wink’s members include Kay Keating, tenor, Melanie McGuire, lead, who sings with the Olympia Chorus and directs the men's chorus Puget Sounders, Anna Chamberlain, baritone, who sings with the Jet Cities Chorus, has been singing baritone for many years and has won many regional gold medals, and Connie Alward, bass, who also directs the Grand Olympic Chorus. With such talented members, Wink is bound to bring a smile!
See more of what’s happening with Wink at:
Membership VP Isaac Banner leads Spring Sing participants in introducing themselves to the chorus. Spring Sing participants who want to will participate in our upcoming performances, called Music First!, singing the songs that they’ve learned during the program.
The chorus chose the theme “Music First” for our spring show because it will be your first chance to get a glimpse of our new International competition package and because we will celebrate musical firsts throughout the show (including first performance with the chorus for the Spring Singers!). We will be joined with the song stylings of Sweet Adelines quartet Wink, along with Division-winning quartets 4.0 and RipChord. Join us on June 10 at 2:30 or 7 for what’s sure to be another fantastic show!